Sunday, August 30, 2009


I have watched the videos on podcasts and found it to be very interesting. Engaging into this new technology is a big step for me but I am enjoying it. I know that I need to be well rounded with the technology. Some of it I do like but others I can really do without. The SmartBoard lessons podcast were interesting because you can connect with people so far away. Being able to learn from a different culture or viewpoint can be very helpful than just reading from a text book about the culture. Teachers and students can learn directly from the source which is very accurate.
The EdTechTalk was astonishing. I can't even imagine having a portable device in a classroom when I was 12 or 16 years of age. It shows how not having technology at students' hands is not being beneficial anymore. I really can relate to this because when a teacher would like u to find something on youtube or something, having a cell phone with the internet would be quick and easy. I also find it to helpful to parents or students who are on their own to buy a phone with internet because it would be less expensive as well .
The MacBreak Weekly was too interesting. It is really reassuring to be able to hear people directly about a vacation they have taken or anything beyond that. The two students who went to Japan were able to share an experience to the world. They talked about the culture of the Japanese and how it was different from ours. I believe that if people of all cultures were to share their experiences from where they have visited, I believe traveling could increase tremendously. Not only traveling but other topics such as cooking recipes. I believe if we wanted to cook a Europe dish, I should be able to find and cook it originally. I don't know if people take advantage of it in this particular way but if it does I would like to know.
I have listened to all of these podcasts and it was very overwhelming and I figure that I have a lot of learning to do. I have been introduced to a new world and it will be so exciting to teach my students every little detail of technology that I know. I know that I will have an outreach to my students


  1. Glad you found them interesting. Now here is my question:

    If you had to make a list of things to do to make your podcast/videocast better than the ones you watched/listened to, what would be on that list?

  2. Yes, there are thousands of podcasts out there, and it can be overwhelming, but, just take in the technology and it's not so scary. I recently watched a podcast on how to cook a Madrin chicken.
